
What to Post on Social Media for Your Local Business

A 30-Day Action Plan

We all know that social media is a great tool for promoting your business, right? But, without previous experience, it can be difficult to know where to begin.

Well buckle up, because we’re here to help.

In this guide, we will tell you exactly how to create an effective social media profile for your company. This plan is meant to be used over the course of 30 business days.

By following our step by step instructions, you cand evelop a dedicated following on social media and gain more traction for your business — so let's begin!

Week 1 - Develop Your Profiles on the Right Platforms

Day 1 - Research Your Competitors

Before you can just dive into creating your social media profiles, take some time to research your competitors.

When performing your research, consider the following questions:

  • Which social media sites are your competitors on?
  • How many followers do they have?
  • How often do they post?
  • What kind of material do they post?
  • How do their followers engage with their posts?

Day 2 - Brainstorm the Best Voice for Your Business

After you have collected data about other businesses in your field, it’s time to identify who you are. How are you similar to your competitors? How are you different?

It may be helpful to consider other spaces where your audience interacts with your brand, such as your website. Do you want to maintain that voice in your new social media profiles, or do you want to transform your brand?

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Will I use my social media to provide useful information and tips to my followers?
  • Do I want my social media profile to establish a personal connection
  • based on humor or entertainment?
  • Is my brand’s voice like that of a engaged, bubbly friend?
  • Is my brand’s voice caring and guiding, like that of a parent?

Here’s a little “homework” for you...

Once you have decided how you want to come across to your audience, write down a list of adjectives that describe your ideal voice. Keep this list handy, because we will use it in the upcoming weeks.

Day 3 - Select Your Social Sites

Now it’s time to determine the best setting for your brand and voice. Obviously, the main social media channels are Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter), and Instagram. You may also consider platforms such as LinkedIn, TikTock, or Pinterest, depending on your niche and the audience you want to reach.

When selecting your sites, consider the kind of content that appears on each site. Pinterest and Instagram rely on images and videos, while Twitter and LinkedIn are primarily used to communicate with words. Facebook is a blend of images, videos, and text-based content.

Do you want your social media presence to be image-based or text-based?

Day 4 - Establish a Complete Profile

Once you have picked the social media site (or sites) for your brand, it’s time to create your profile. Make sure that you fill in every possible field when creating your profile.

For example, if you’re creating a Facebook page for your business, add your website, phone number, and opening hours so followers can easily contact you.

Lastly — and this is super important! — make sure that you follow all pixel size guidelines when uploading your profile and cover photos.

Blurry pics are a huge no-no.

Day 5 - Follow, Friend Request, or Invite any Relevant Profiles

Now that you have complete profiles on your chosen channel(s), it’s time to let other people that know you exist.

If you have contact information for previous clients, you cans earch for their social media profiles and either follow them, friend request them, or invite them to like your page.

...Everyone wants more friends and followers, right?

To stay on top of trends in your industry, it may also be a good idea to like or follow any industry-related pages.

Post this to your profile to gain more followers over the weekend!

“Hello, world! [insert business name] is now on [social media channel]! Follow us and share this post with your friends to receive 10% off your next order.”

Week 2 – Hone Your Voice With Test Posts

Day 6 – Consider When You Want to Post

Knowing when to share your content is just as important as choosing your content. As you grow your social media profile, you will begin to notice when your followers are most active.

In the meantime, you can look at list below to see when users are typically most active on each social media platform:

  • Twitter – 1-3pm weekdays
  • Facebook – 1-4pm weekdays
  • LinkedIn – 7-8:30am and 5-6pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
  • Instagram – 5-6pm weekdays and 8pm on Mondays
  • Pinterest – 2-4pm and 8-11pm weekdays, but weekends have the most activity

Over the course of this week, we will be creating four test posts on your new social media account.

Look at the times above, and select three times within your platform’s peak hours, and one time outside of the peak hours.

Write down these times, and schedule when you will post tomorrow, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Day 7 – Test Post Number One

Woohoo! We’re now going to begin posting on your new social media account! For Test Post Number One, this is your prompt:

Engage your audience with a question.

Before you begin, remember to pull out that list of adjectives you wrote down in Week 1, Day 2. Use this as a guide to make sure your post matches your voice.

If you’re feeling a little stuck, here are some example questions:

  • “So we’re having a little debate here in our office, and we’d love your input… What is your #1 deciding factor when choosing a [plumber, HVAC company, dentist, pediatrician, etc.]? Comment below and let us know!”
  • “Okay, world, we’re about to give you a peek under the hood of our business...what is one question you’ve always wanted to ask your [doctor, real estate agent, pest control company, etc.]? We’ll answer every question in the comments!”

Post this question at the time you selected yesterday. After you post it, turn on notifications for your social media account and engage with any comments, either with a “like” or reply.

Day 8 – Test Post Number Two

For Test Post Number Two, this is your prompt:

Provide helpful tips.

Again, remember to pull out that list of adjectives we had you write down in
Week 1, Day 2 before you begin writing!

Think of the following questions:

  • What is one thing most of your clients/customers probably don’t know about your business?
  • What are some signs that a client/customer needs your service?
  • What advice can you provide for using a common tool in your industry?
  • Do you have any “hacks” that relate to your industry?

Tip: Depending on the platform and content style you want to create for your audience, you can also publish these tips in a short video.

Post your tips at the time you chose on Monday. After you publish, turn on notifications for your social media account and engage with any comments, either with a “like” or reply.

Day 9 – Test Post Number Three

Ready for your third post? Here is the prompt:

Share a personal anecdote.

We probably don’t need you to remind you again, but just in case... pull out that list
of adjectives we had you write down in Week 1, Day 2 before you begin writing!

The objective of this post is to reveal something personal about your company in order to show the human behind your brand.

This can be something as silly as the fact that you sang along to Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies” on your way to work, or it can be a vulnerable admission of the doubts you experienced before opening your business.

Today is your opportunity to tell your audience who YOU are — so make it count!

Tip: Try to add a visual component to this post, whether it be a photo or video. Include your face to deepen your connection with your audience.

Share this personal post at the time you chose on Monday. After you publish, turn on notifications for your social media account and engage with any comments, either with a “like” or reply.

Day 10 – Test Post Number Four

Whew, we made it to the end of the week! This is your final prompt:

Post a client success story.

We get it; you don’t like to brag. But how will your followers know how awesome you are if they don’t hear it from other clients?

To gather material for this post, you can pull quotes from your business’ reviews, or you can share a recent milestone you experienced with a client.

Share this client success story at the time you chose on Monday. After you post it, turn on notifications for your social media account and engage with any comments, either with a “like” or reply.

Week 3 – Get to Know Your Audience

Day 11 – Analyze the Metrics of Your Test Posts

Now that all of your social media posts have been living on the internet for a couple
days, it’s time to analyze your results. Use these questions to guide your analysis:

  • Which post received the most attention? The least attention?
  • When are your followers most active?
  • Do you think your audience is responding well to your voice?
  • How do your followers engage with your material? Is it by liking? Commenting? Sharing?

Aside from the metrics, take a moment to reflect on which post you felt most proud of. Why do you think that is? How can you expand upon this in the future?

Day 12 – Research Keywords and Test Post Number Five

We’ve spent several days in a row now focusing on your brand and your followers. Today, we’re going to take a step back and see how people engage with your industry on the internet as a whole.

We will do this by researching keywords and frequently asked questions. If you have a Google Ads account, then you have access to their Keyword Planner tool. If not, then you can easily find a free keyword tool online.

Research terms related to your business, and write down the most common phrases. You can also type keywords into Google and write down the “People Also Ask” questions associated with specific keywords.

This helps you determine the things that your followers probably want to know about your business.

Once you feel like you’ve done enough research, create a new post for your social media using the following two elements:

  • Repeat the most successful post type from last week (question, tips, personal anecdote, or testimonial)
  • Use one keyword phrase when writing the text of your post

Remember to look at your list of adjectives from Week 1, Day 2 when drafting your post! (Okay, that’s the last time we’re gonna remind you...because you probably know by now...)

Tip: For an added chance of success, choose a time to post based on the data you collected yesterday.

Day 13 – Dive into Your Followers

With five test posts under your belt and (hopefully) a modest level of audience
engagement, it’s time to analyze the people that are interested in you.

Take a look at your followers and consider these questions:

  • What is the age range of people who follow you?
  • Are there any common interests that your followers share?
  • Who else do your followers follow on social media?
  • What do your followers post on social media (and when do they like or comment on other posts)?

By researching this information, you can better understand who you are talking to when you post on social media, and you can craft your content to suit their interests.

Day 14 – Test Post Number Six

Today’s test post comes with an interesting challenge.

You’re going to look back at the data from Monday and identify your least successful post from Week 2. Got it?

Now, you’re going to make a new post in the same genre (question, tips, personal anecdote, or testimonial) —BUT, you’re going to make it better using our research from this

Consider these two questions:

  • What do people on the internet want to know about your business?
  • What are your followers’ interests?

...And create a new, awesome post, made especially for them.

Day 15 – Analyze Accuracy

Today, we’re going to take a moment to reflect on the two test posts we created this week.

Take a look at the metrics of each post, and consider the following questions:

  • Were you successful in predicting your audience's interests based on your research?
  • Did you pick good times for your new test posts?
  • If you didn't meet your expectations, why do you think this happened?
  • What strategies can you repeat in the future?

Write down any information or insights you want to remember moving forward. We’ll pick up where we left off next week!

Day 16 – Share a Link to Your Website

Share a link to your website, and be creative!

You can link to any page in your website — the objective here is to just let you audience know you have an active website.

Week 4 – Continue Posting

Now that we’re halfway through this action plan, we’re going to focus more on suggestions for what to post, rather than how to write your posts or how to time your posts.

You’ve already established your voice, and by now you should have a sense of when your followers are most active.

Day 16 – Share a Link to Your Website

Share a link to your website, and be creative!

You can link to any page in your website — the objective here is to just let you audience know you have an active website.

Day 17 – Provide a Sneak Peek Into Your Workplace

Today, post a behind-the-scenes shot of your workplace.

When choosing a photo, consider what your audience may be surprised to learn about your business, or how your business functions.

Day 18 – Inform Your Audience About a Product or Service

What is the product or service you are most proud of? Or, what seems to be the most popular service with your clients?

Tell your audience all about it, and provide a link to the product or service page on your website.

Tip: It wouldn't be a bad idea to include a testimonial in this post, too.

Day 19 – Post a Statistic, Infographic, or Chart

This one is pretty self-explanatory, but the idea here is to provide knowledge to your audience while establishing the importance of your business. When deciding what to post, consider these questions:

  • Is there a statistic that you have on your website, or that you reference to clients who are on the fence about working with you?
  • What problem does your business solve?
  • What statistic proves that there is a genuine need for your expertise?

Tip: Link or reference a source for the data you post to increase trust with your audience.

Day 20 – Offer a Promotion to Your Followers

Celebrate Friday by offering a special deal to all your followers.

You can make the deal available to everyone who follows you, or you can make the offer conditional based on their engagement with your post.

For example:

  • “Woohoo, it’s the weekend! To celebrate, why don’t you enjoy 10% off your next purchase with [company name]?”
  • “Would you like $15 off your next [product or service name]? Just share this post with your followers and show us a screenshot when you pay!”

Week 5 – Even More Posting

Day 21 – Make an Announcement

Even if you think you have nothing to announce about your business, think again.

Announcements can cover a broad range of topics, such as company milestones, events, and special seasonal promotions. Take a look at your calendar and see what you can announce to your audience - it can be as silly or as serious as you'd like.

Day 22 – Host a Contest

Today, you’re going to post either a “caption this photo” or “fill in the blank” contest to your followers.

Advertise a deadline for this contest (such as the end of the day), and offer the winner a free product, service, or appointment with your company.

Remember to keep your notifications on all day, and sift through the entries with your staff.

Choose a winner by the time the deadline hits, and announce the winner (with their winning comment) in a separate post.

Day 23 – Express Your Company Mission

What is your company mission? Is it to fulfill a niche that is otherwise neglected in your industry? Is it to establish a personal connection with every one of your clients? Express to your audience why you are in business, and share your personal values.

Tip: Share your mission with a photo that reinforces your statement.

Day 24 – Offer a Time-Sensitive Discount

Offer your followers an extremely limited discount. Use phrases such as “expiring tonight” or “48 hour flash sale.” Introducing an element of urgency will attract your audience's attention and increase the likelihood that people will take advantage of your offer.

Tip: If your time-sensitive discount lasts for more than one day, post a reminder for all days that the discount applies.

Day 25 – Celebrate Your Staff

Where would you be without your lovely employees? Today, take a second to highlight why your staff is the best in the world.

Showcase the qualities that make your team unique. Are they efficient? Collaborative? Funny? Playful? Caring? Skilled?

Week 6 – Finish Posting and Analyze Your Results

Day 26 – Link to a Favorite Online Resource

Your social media is all about you, right? Well today, we’re going to highlight an outside webpage that you admire.

This can be many different things, including:

  • A how-to page or video explaining a critical task in your business
  • An article covering a current event or trend in your industry

Just make sure that the link doesn’t belong to one of your competitors!

Day 27 – Share Your Recent Work with a Client

Similar to when you shared a behind-the-scenes glimpse into your workplace, today you’re going to share a project you recently completed for a client.

Use a photo or video, depending on which best highlights the strengths of your work.

If you’re in a service-related industry such as healthcare or counseling, then ask for a client’s consent to post a success story on social media.

Day 28 – Highlight Why You’re the Obvious Choice

Today, make an argument for clients to choose your business. Why do you
deserve their investment, out of all the other options?

Consider these questions:

  • Do you have a 5.0 star rating on Google?
  • Can you prove that you consistently achieve positive results for your clients?
  • Do you beat your competitors on price?
  • What about your business is different from your competitors?
  • Has your business hit any impressive milestones this year?
  • Have you received any industry-related awards or publicity?

Day 29 – Analyze Your Results

With two and a half weeks of posting under your belt, it’s time to take a step back
and analyze your results.

Consider the following questions:

  • Which posts do you feel best exemplified your voice?
  • Which posts received the most attention from your audience?
  • Which posts received the least attention?
  • At which times of day do your followers seem most active?
  • How do your followers engage with your material?
  • Did you gain a significant number of followers on any particular day?
  • What could you do differently over the next 30 days?
  • Do your followers like, comment, or re-share your posts?
  • Which strategies could you repeat for the next 30 days?
  • Did your followers take advantage of the promotions you offered?

After running the numbers, give yourself a major pat on the back.

You’ve made it to Day 29 of this action plan, and if you’ve made it this far...we’ll, you’ve probably done ag reat job and witnessed some real results.

Day 30 – Draft a Content Plan for the Next 30 Days

So now that you’ve hit Day 30, it’s time to use all that you learned to draft pa lan for
the next 30 days. Use the information you gathered yesterday to create a posting
strategy catered to your followers’ interests, while still maintaining your voice:

  • Pay attention to the kinds of posts that your followers engage with.
  • Consider the hours at which your followers are most active.
  • Reuse tactics that have worked for you in the past.

If this seems a bit intimidating, it doesn’t have to be.

Just focus on the immediate future — the next 30 days — before re-assessing and creating a new plan. View social media as an opportunity to experiment, and remember — the “delete” button is always there if you make a mistake.


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